martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Commune of Contulmo

This town located to the southeast of the county and denominated "Place in passing" in Mapudungun, it is located to 193 kilometers to Concepción's south, it limits to the north with Cañete and Curanilahue; to the south with the ninth region; to the west with Tirúa and Quidico and to the east with Purén, Angol and Renaico. It possesses a surface of 650 Km2y it counts with almost six thousand inhabitants, of which 42% resides in the urban area.
The commune of Contulmo was founded as strong in 1868 for Cornelio Saavedra, in its step toward Purén. In 1884 he/she received an immigrant group of artisans and farmers coming from Berlin who gave impulse to the district, even founding the first German school that there was in the country, in 1893. In 1910 the railroad was inaugurated that traveled from Lebu to Peleco, and that in 1938, it crossed the Mountain range of Nahuelbuta; today the brunch is disabled, although it is possible to make the journey and to cross its tunnels in a recreational way.

This commune presents a microclimate that benefits the horticultural activity, especially the cultivation of the murtilla and white strawberry, this last national exclusivity of this area. It is necessary to highlight that this town is near to the two beautiful lakes of the county, the Lanalhue and the Lleu Lleu, where they highlight the sectors of Port Contulmo, in the first one and Huillinco in the second.

Another very important particularity and that it transforms Contulmo into a special town of the rest of the country, it is that in this commune they cohabit to newspaper a trilogy of cultures: descending of the old German colony, communities mapuches and the descendants of Chilean Creoles.

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